Safety is the priority of the BC Forestry Manufacturing Industry.
The Manufacturing Advisory Group (MAG) helps support industry to achieve continuous improvement in safety performance across the industry. MAG's core goal is to achieve workplace environments free of injuries, incidents and near miss events.
2024 - 2026 Key Focus Areas
1. Leadership Training Development
2. Hazard ID and Control Program
3. Significant Incident Failure Potential (SIFp)
4. BCFSC/HSA Foundational Activities
MAG-Safe Audit Development And Oversight
MAG Share/Build Resources Program

Manufacturing Safety Training
MAG-SAFE Audit Program
The MAG SAFE Audit Program is an industry audit program developed specifically for BC sawmills and wood fibre manufacturers companies to achieve continuous improvement in safety performance.
Find out more about becoming MAG-SAFE Certified.
Forest Products Manufacturing Risk Reduction Reports
External Links
For more information about MAG, contact us via email.