To address the unique needs of their members, the Federation of BC Woodlot Associations (FBCWA), BC Community Forest Association (BCCFA) and the BC Forest Safety Council (BCFSC) have collaborated to establish a committee dedicated to the safety of woodlot licencees and community forests agreement holders (tenure holders). This committee is called the Woodlot Licence and Community Forest Agreement Safety Committee.
The goal is to eliminate injuries and fatalities in community forests and woodlot licences.
The safety committee has the objective of improving safety by identifying safety issues, developing solutions, and supporting projects which are important to the safety, performance and health of people working within woodlots and community forests. In its effort to advance safety, the committee will utilize the successes and existing knowledge of both the tenure holders and the forest industry as a whole. It is expected that the committee’s work will be relevant to all small to medium sized tenure holders within the province.
To encourage safer work environments, the committee will:
- Identify safety issues including those which are geographically unique
- Develop specific solutions to identified safety issues and concerns
- Utilize existing knowledge and past successes within the Woodlot Licence and Community Forest Agreement sectors and the forest industry as a whole
- Effect and implement solutions and
- Measure and monitor improvements.
The Safety Committee consists of:
- Three representatives from the Federation of BC Woodlot Associations
- Three representatives from the BC Community Forest Association
- One or more BCFSC staff person to provide support.
The committee members will seek direction from their respective organizations, while the committee will report on its progress to the Boards of Directors of the FBCWA, BCCFA and to the BCFSC Program Committee.
Key Documents
- Gord Chipman
- Jennifer Gunter
- Ken Dodd
- Rick Walters
- Warren Hansen
- Aurora Lavender
- Hugh Watt
- Dustin Meierhofer, Director, Transportation & Northern Safety, BCFSC Staff Support
The founding members of the WLCFASC were:
- Mark Churchill, Woodlot Licencee, Vanderhoof
- Shawn Flynn, Woodlot Owner, Nanoose Bay
- Bill Golding, Smithers Community Forest
- Gary Hanson, Woodlot Licencee, Smithers
- Dave Lasser, Sunshine Coast Community Forest
Click here for the many resources the WLCFASC has created to assist woodlot and small tenure holders in developing safety programs.
Email us for more information about WLCFASC.