Small Employer OHS

This occupational health and safety course is for small employers working in the forest sector who:

  • Average less than 20 personnel
  • Never have more than 24 personnel in peak season.

The course meets Small Employer initial training requirements for SAFE Certification and the WorkSafeBC COR program.

Participants who complete this course will take on the role of internal auditor for their company and will submit audit documents on behalf of their company and therefore, should be active in their company’s business operations and have knowledge of their safety program. To perform COR eligible audits, a participant must be a permanent employee.

This course is offered in English only and participants are expected to fully participate with the training content. Participants will receive a record of completion for finishing the course.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completing this training, participants should be able to:

  • Implement and manage an effective Occupational Health & Safety Program
  • Describe an employer’s due diligence and regulatory requirements
  • Perform a SAFE Companies and/or COR ISEBASE/SEBASE audit

Duration & Delivery

Approximately 14 hours. This is an online course with self-paced, flexible 24/7 access and the expectation of participants completing the course by Dec 31 of the current year. Participants who need more time, can contact SAFE Companies to enroll again.


Online training: $105.00 (includes 5% GST)


Submit a completed enrollment form.

Enrollments are typically processed within 3 days.

Note: Companies should also be registered for the SAFE Companies program. If there are any questions about the certification process, please contact SAFE Companies.