SAFE and COR certified companies must submit annual audits to the BC Forest Safety Council in order to maintain their certifications.
These audits must be completed by individuals with training appropriate to the size of the enterprise being certified. For both the SAFE and COR programs these individuals are uniformly referred to as "auditors".
The training is proportional to the size of the operation being audited. For example, the training required for individuals who own and operate (IOO) companies with only one field worker is approximately four hours, while the training for a person wanting to audit a complex logging operation with two dozen employees would be in excess of three days with additional and ongoing requirements.
Below is a list of of SAFE Company auditor training courses grouped by the type of audit the auditor training is for.
IOO - Individual Owner Operator (1 owner + 1 office support)
Companies with one field worker and no dedicated field contractors. (One field worker, and one office worker max)
Small Employers (2-19 employees)
Small employers are those with between two and 19 workers. Dedicated contractors must be counted as workers.
Large Employers (20+ employees)
Where 20 or more workers and contractors are covered by the Occupational Health and Safety system
Employers COR certified by BCCSA, Energy Safety Canada or SafetyDriven
SAFE auditor training is specific to each certifying partner. Training to enable COR conversion to SAFE certification is available as below: