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Forestry Road Blasting

The following information and links will help forestry road blasters access information and resources that will help them work safely and effectively.

Regulation Updates

WorkSafeBC has conducted a review of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation Part 21 – Blasting and updates to the regulation have been completed. Changes to include a requirement for ongoing training for all certified blasters and a formal training requirement for new blasters prior to certification. Click this link to view the current blasting regulation.


Every year during the term of a blaster’s certificate, the blaster must receive at least 6 hours of continuing professional development (CPD) relating to blasting best practices. It is important for CPD hours to be verifiable (e.g., via a certificate of course completion, proof of attendance). Click here for more information from WorkSafeBC on blasting certification requirements.

The following is a list of blasting training modules to help forestry blasters meet their professional development requirements.

  1. BC Forest Safety Council Free Online Training
    • Module 1 – Blasting Hazards and Safety (1 hour)
    • Module 2 – Legal Requirements for Forestry Blasting (2 hours)
    • Click here to access the training. If you don’t already have a username and password, click on the Create New Account button on the Learning Centre log in screen to self register.
  2. Danger Tree Blasting Training – Click here to learn more about this course
  3. Other Training Options: Online Training – The International Society of Explosives Experts (ISEE).
  4. Western Canadian Branch of the ISEE offers regular conferences and in-person training sessions.   

Click here for a WorkSafeBC information sheet that lists training topics that meet the continuing education requirements.


The Blaster Assessment Checklist can be used to assess the knowledge and hands-on skills of a blaster.

Incident Reports

Hazard Alerts from the Ministry of Mines and Energy provides important blasting safety information including safety alerts and incident reports.


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