Professional Industry Driver Training Program

The Program identifies the specialized skills, knowledge and attributes of a Professional Industry Driver and Professional Log Truck Driver in the province of British Columbia.

Since 2017, subject matter experts and industry safety working group members from the Log Truck Technical Advisory Group (LTTAC), log hauling contractors and training institutions have helped guide and shape the content of this program with a key initiative to standardize the level of training and assessment for Professional Industry Drivers and Professional Log Truck Drivers.

The Program identifies the specialized skills, knowledge and attributes of a Professional Industry Driver and Professional Log Truck Driver in the province of British Columbia. It also provides tools to assist employers with meeting their responsibility to ensure workers are qualified and competent as required by regulation.

The Program provides flexibility for drivers to meet competency outcomes with these recommended best practices:

  • new drivers who have taken an appropriate training program that utilizes the program learning resources and incorporates a mentor program,
  • experienced commercial drivers new to log hauling who have reviewed the online learning resources and participated in a mentor program and
  • experienced log truck drivers.

To access the Professional Industry Driver Program's online training theory resources click here for self-enrollment.

To learn more, download the Professional Industry Driver Training Program or the Log Truck Driver Brochure.

Additional program documents are also available:

Assessors can upload assessments securely to BCFSC using the following upload tool:

Testimonials - Industry-made Solutions for Professional Industry Driver Training and Endorsement Program

In developing the Professional Industry Driver and Endorsement Program, a number of individuals and organizations gave generously of their time and expertise to provide input as well as test and pilot the program.

"Calling Future Log Haulers" - Greg Munden

Michael has been driving with Munden Ventures since April 2019. His usual route hauls take him between Kamloops and 100 Mile House for West Fraser. Michael says this about his experience participating in piloting the Professional Industry Driver Training and Endorsement Program:

"I would highly recommend this program to any new logging driver hoping to get into this industry. It was even more special for me to go through this with my Dad as mentor – really, it has been more than I could hope for. I feel like I had the chance to learn about every aspect of the log hauling industry, and spend as much time as I needed to be comfortable. Although I realize I will continue learning for years to come, this program has definitely given me the confidence to start my career in this industry safely and productively."

Michael's mentor and Dad, Scott, had this to say about the experience as a mentor and what it means to him to have his son take part in the program and be following in his footsteps:

"I can tell you it was a pretty proud day for me when Michael went on his own with the Forest Safety Council Independent Assessor and I felt confident that he could handle himself as a professional log hauler. It was great to have guidance through this program on all the aspects to train on, and the mentorship time was so valuable to the success of bringing Michael into the industry. His Mother and I both sleep better at night knowing that he has received a high level of training and has the knowledge and tools to enjoy a long, safe career in the industry."

An independent assessor, who assessed Michael, explains what he thinks about the Professional Industry Driver Training and Endorsement Program:

"The log hauling industry has changed hugely over the years with the emphasis on safer conditions. I strongly believe that training is imperative as this industry really has had no measurable training program so far. This program is all about ensuring that the young people coming in will receive the training and knowledge that they are going to need in this line of work. They need to be given like any other trade a solid basis for their chosen career. Some of the newer drivers may have just gotten their licenses, have minimal experience or have been driving in a different field. They do not know the hazards of coming down a mountainside at 3 am in the snow. Having someone with experience sitting beside you coaching you through these types of scenarios can make the difference whether they make it to the bottom, not just today but in 6 months when they are on their own.

This assessment with Michael is a prime example of what this program can do for an industry that has an aging workforce. He was given an opportunity to have his dad as his mentor, learn some of the mechanical end of the truck, with a company that was willing to take a chance with him. He was excited and proud of his accomplishments.

I like to explain to candidates this is not a head hunt. It is to give new drivers breaking into this field a good start and to older experienced candidates a reminder of procedures that have become second nature.

Congratulations Michael on a job well done!"

For questions or program feedback, contact Dorian Dereshkevich, Manager, Transportation & Northern Safety. 

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