Registration closes on Monday, October 14th, so get registered today!
Registration Link:
Join us on Saturday, October 26th at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre in Nanaimo.This FREE full-day, in-person conference is open to all BC forestry workers. This annual conference is industry-driven and focusses on essential forestry safety topics. Take a look at what’s in store by visiting our web page.
This year, VISC features three keynote speakers: health and safety expert Eldeen Pozniak, former US Marine and author of Core of Four, Tim Page-Bottorff, and Tom Wilson, who dedicated his life to promoting safety and understanding risk tolerance after surviving a plane crash in 2008 and chronicled his experience in his 2015 book, Moments of Impact.
VISC Features:
Engaging speakers
A trade show featuring targeted forestry safety products and services
Refreshments and lunch for attendees
A silent auction benefiting KidSport Nanaimo
50/50 draw with proceeds going to the United Way BC Wildfire Recovery Fund
A Food Drive for Loaves and Fishes Nanaimo Community Food Bank
Door prizes and more!