2015-2016 FTAC Faller Questionnaire
- Questionnaire <LINK>
- Summary report of the findings from the questionnaire <LINK>
- Full data and comments from the questionnaire <LINK>
Falling Supervisor Workload Analysis and Survey
Falling Supervisor Survey
During the Falling Supervisor Workload Analysis conducted in 2010, a recommendation to conduct a Falling Supervisor survey was made. Thank you to the 102 falling supervisors that participated. We will be using the results to improve faller safety in our programs and training. Click here to view the Full Version <LINK> or Abbreviated Version <LINK>.
Falling Supervisor Workload Analysis
Do Falling Supervisors have too great of a workload? Would you like to know what activities falling supervisors are doing and how long it takes them to do their work? In response to a BC Coroner’s recommendation, the Council has conducted a Falling Supervisor Workload Analysis. The study consisted of visits to ten field sites and also a one day workshop with 89 falling supervisors participating. Please click on the links below for the full or the abbreviated version (the abbreviated version does not contain the appendices) Full Version <LINK> or Abbreviated Version <LINK>.